
Episode Synopsis

A grandson has given up on his goals in life. A visit from his grandmother helps him to remember his passion.

From the Set

Writter - Chris Banda

The film grew out of a real life event that happened to me. I cared for my grandmother the last ten years of her life.  She was very much like a mother to me. During her final years, she began to suffer from dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It was devastating to see her become distant and slip away. Much of what she used to be was nearly gone. One night she woke and walked into the kitchen were I was sitting, sat down, and was completely coherent. For a brief moment, my grandmother was back. I made something to eat, and we sat and talked for hours. I apologized for being angry with her; angry that she was sick, and that I couldn’t do anything. It would be the last time we would have a meaningful conversation. She died on January 6, 2009… The day after her 100th birthday. I honor her with this story.


Director - Justin Huen

Chris and I have been working together since  the day we met 20 years ago in the theatre department at Rio Hondo Jr College. It was great not only work with him once again but to direct him in very personal subject matter.